Saturday, 5 October 2013

Year 2: The return.

During the months I have had off from uni I've had time to reflect on the year and re evaluate my goals and aspirations.
However they have more or less stayed very consistent over the summer, I am still confident that I would like to pursue a 3D role, focusing, if possible in environment design. The reasoning behind this lies in the months I've had off, namely the games I had chance to play, titles like Fallout: New Vegas:

 Assassins creed 3:

 and the Bureau: XCOM declassified:

 really stood out to me the beautiful environments really make or break the player’s immersion in a game and make the overall experience more or less enjoyable as a result.

On top of this another contributing factor towards this decision is the way that environments are made in relation to other elements like characters. I came to this through the last project from the first year, being the UDK level creation, I really enjoyed the way that environments can be split up into many upon many of smaller projects that decorate the surroundings, I populated the level with different foliage and topology changes as well as a water piece to make the environment more entertaining to explore. As oppose to one daunting task of a whole character creation.

Now I understand the fact that I cannot simply pick one area I like and then disregard everything else,

 given the current standing of the industry I need to be capable of anything that is required, however I also know that so long I can provide these skills I can specialize in a certain area which I would like to be environment design.
My ambitions for this year are to be much more productive with the time allotted for projects, use the time not just to complete the work on time, but to complete, then re complete it with the knowledge I have gained to produce a higher standard each time. This will be a big shock from last year, however I am determined to get into this mind set and stick with it.

I would also like to spend a LOT more time in the labs as I realized I need to remove myself from distractions in order to achieve my set out goals and I believe if I can do this now it will set a very positive work ethic and ground work for the future.
One final note would be that I am looking forward to furthering my skills, especially in 3D and gaining some freedom although daunting it seems in being required to look at your work and reflect upon it and improve before handing it in, but I’m sure if I apply the above I can overcome and succeed in this too.

Well, there are the ideas and ambitions for this year, now i need to put my money where my mouth is..

External References:
Assassin's Creed 3 The Frontier Map IGN:
Fallout: New Vegas screenshots:
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified developer blog:

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